Pre-School News

To Inspire So That All Flourish


Term 3 - Issue 1

From the Rector’s Desk

The Art Show and Auction the previous weekend, highlighted to me the im-portance of community and the pleasure we can enjoy because of the zeal, enthusiasm and passion of our young children. The works of art were delightful – full of colour and each one so unique. As I walked around the corridors, I saw many proud moms and dads. There was much excitement in the Pre-School as the children guided the families through their space and the displayed works of art.

Thank you all for your support and generous contribution towards the auc-tion and for making the day so special. A particular thank you to the teach-ers who worked until late the night before setting up the displays. The feed-back form Mrs Lee Milner was incredibly positive – she is looking so forward to starting at St Dunstan’s and is ready to invest her energy into our wonder-ful school.

Last Wednesday, our Matrics hosted the Grade 0 and 00 classes at the College Heritage Day Market. It was lovely to see students from across the campus coming together to celebrate our diversity in such a fun-filled way. The support of Rhino Day was most successful, which tied into our national wildlife heritage. Considering the engagement and positive energy across the campus, I was mindful of what adults can learn from the youth. It was Mahatma Gandhi who said, “The greatest lessons in life, if we would but stop and humble ourselves, we would learn not from the grown-up learned men, but from the so-called ignorant children.”

Yesterday, our Matriculants returned to the Pre-School, dressed up in character to celebrate their last few days of “normal” schooling before entering into the final exam stretch. This too created much ex-citement in the Pre-School, as the costumes generated new creative ideas in the minds of our children. I am reminded how quickly the time went for my own children passing through school. I encourage all our parents to cherish these immensely special times, as they are fleeting.

I would like to inform you that Mrs Gina Tondolo has resigned for the end of the year. We have already advertised her position and Mrs Lee Milner will conduct the interview process. We thank teacher Gina for her contribution to the school and wish her all the best as she takes a break from teaching for now. That said, we will say our goodbyes closer to the time.

Just a reminder about our Open Day tomorrow. Please invite your friends and even join them on a tour of the school. Word-of-mouth is always the best marketing, but it also requires that point of connection. Please save the date for our Cathedral Concert on Sunday, 20 October. It will feature a Pre-School choir, which was a huge hit in 2023.

– Mr Warwick Taylor