
To Inspire So That All Flourish

Rector & College Headmaster
Mr Warwick Taylor
Welcome to St Dunstan’s College! We are a vibrant co-educational school where students excel academically and within the extra mural programme. We provide a wide range of cultural and sporting opportunities, through which our students can explore and develop their God given talents. It is often through the activities offered outside of the classroom, that students begin to form their identity and grow in stature.
Is schooling meant to be easy? The answer is no. Excellent education will certainly not be easy, it will, however, get the balance right between providing challenge and building confidence. It is through overcoming challenges that we truly grow and begin to realise our potential. It is through hard work and perseverance that we ultimately fulfill our potential. In summary, we are about inspiring all to flourish and fulfil their potential. To achieve this, we provide a holistic and personalised learning experience.
The College is an inclusive environment where we celebrate our diversity and gain from each individual’s contribution to who we are. With high school comes greater autonomy, but also more accountability – this too is part of the learning process.
Our values are grounded in our Anglican Christian tradition, which sets the standard and expectation of how we engage with those around us and how we manage our environment. Our school motto, “I Serve” speaks to our civic responsibility and the attitude of our hearts.
Our prayer is that as our students venture along their journey in the College, that they make many friends and thoroughly enjoy the journey while maximising their personal growth.